Saturday, January 17, 2009

How would you like your tiger?

"White Tiger", is supposed to be a rare species. But I cant say the same about the book. Adiga has written this book for a foreign audience who wants to know more about the India buzz. And he hasn't disappointed them. It tells them exactly what they want to hear. They are happy.

The book does a superficial analysis of the life of people in the "Darkness" - namely, of lower caste, working class. Adiga has chosen Balram Halwai, who migrated to the big city from a small village in Northern India in search of a better life. He becomes a driver to Mr Ashok, an upper class confused desi, recently returned from U.S, son of a wealthy and powerful coal miner. The story unfolds in the form of letters written by Balram to the Chinese prime minister who is scheduled to visit India somewhere soon in the story line.

The book is a fast read. It is cleverly written too. It has flashes of brilliance. But when you deal with a subject like this, you expect some depth, some content. You expect a point of view that you did not expect. Clever one-liners or good analogies are not enough. Ultimately, you feel betrayed. Maybe it is the booker label. Well, thats a very personal opinion.


The name "White Tiger" actually suits the novel. How is it different from a normal tiger? It is the same species, only thing is it doesn't have the pigment. And that is exactly how white and brown skins are different.

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